Top 10 Countries on Press Freedom Index, Check Pakistan's Position

Author: Subhi Saxena  Date: 05/05/24

Credit: Google & Reporters Without Borders

10. Germany

Germany is the 10th country on the Press Freedom Index. This country is located in Europe and has a global score of 83.84.

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9. Switzerland

European country Switzerland is the ninth country on the Press Freedom Index. It has 85.59 as its global score. 

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8. Ireland

Ireland is the 8th country on the Press Freedom Index. This country has a global score of 85.59. 

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7. Portugal

The number seven spot is taken by Portugal, this country has a global score of 85.9. 

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6. Estonia

This East European country is in the sixth spot. They have a global score of 86.44.

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5. Finland

World's happiest country, Finland has secured the fifth spot on the Press Freedom Index. It has a global score of 86.55.

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4. Netherlands

The Netherlands is the fourth number on the Press Freedom Index. This country has a global score of 87.73.

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3. Sweden

At number three we have, Sweden. This country is a part of the European Continent and has a global score of 88.32.

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2. Denmark

European country Denmark has a global score of 89.6 and holds the second spot on the Press Freedom Index.

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1. Norway

The first position on the World Press Freedom Index goes to, Norway with a global score of 91.89, this country is in Europe. 

Credit: Google & Reporters Without Borders


Pakistan's position on the Press Freedom Index is not good. They are in the 152nd position. 

Credit: Google & Reporters Without Borders

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