Climate Change: ‘Era of Global Warming has Ended, Era of Global Boiling has Arrived’, says UN Chief

Climate Change

Climate Change

Climate Change: According to recent data from the EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), earth is witnessing an extraordinary event in the worlds’ weather patterns. The first three weeks of July have marked the warmest of all that’s ever recorded.

The extreme temperatures have triggered heat-waves across large regions of Asia, Europe and America. Even before the end of month of July, the United Nation Secretary-General António Guterres has said that July 2023 will undoubtedly break numerous records. He stated that July has already experienced a three week long period of extreme heat, three individual hottest days and the highest ever recorded ocean and sea temperature.

ERA5 Data Report

According to the report, July 6, has overtook the daily average global mean surface temperature recorded in August 2016. Days around July 6, have also recorded scorching temperature. Furthermore, the global mean temperature temporarily crossed the 1.5 Degree Celsius threshold which is a critical marker adopted in Paris Agreement. Report has suggested, since May, the global average sea surface temperature has been constantly rising with average of 16.95 Degree Celsius.

The era of global boiling has arrived

UN Sec-Gen Guterres have expressed his concern for the global situation, describing it as a “cruel summer”. “For the entire planet, it is a disaster. And for scientists, it is unequivocal – humans are to blame”, he further stated. Remarkably, the rise in temperatures aligns with earlier predictions and warning by the scientists. The speed, at which these changes are occurring, has surprised many experts.

Director of C3S at ECMWF, Carlo Buontempo has informed, “Record-breaking temperatures are part of the trend of drastic increases in global temperatures. Anthropogenic emissions are ultimately the main driver of these rising temperatures”. “July’s record is unlikely to remain isolated this year, C3S’ seasonal forecasts indicate that over land areas temperatures are likely to be well above average, exceeding the 80th percentile of climatology for the time of year,” he further added.

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