In Gaza as Israel continues air strike – 126 dead, 950 injured

The small scale war of Israel and Hamas is now heading towards a major war. On Friday, the Israel Defense Force airstrike at Hamas targets on the Gaza Strip.

The attack destroyed the rocket launching site of Hamas. At the same time, IDF has claimed that 300 Hamas rockets fell into the Gaza Strip after being misfire. Because of this, there have been more deaths than Israel.

In Hamas and Israel fight, 126 people were reported dead till late night. 31 children are among those who died.

At the same time, more than 950 people are said to have been injured in the attacks. Among the dead are 8 Israelis and the rest of the Palestinians, who have been killed in Israel’s Airstrike.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) of Muslim countries has also become active on the issue of Israel and Palestine. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan had proposed to convene a United Nations meeting on the issue, which has been approved by the OIC.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for an end to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Guterres said that many innocent people have already been killed. This fight will increase bigotry in both countries.

Tensions in East Jerusalem began earlier this month when Palestinians demonstrated against the evictions at Sheikh Jarra and Israeli police cracked down at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The battle began on Monday when Hamas, claiming to have saved Jerusalem, began firing long-range rockets. Israel retaliated with several airstrikes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Hamas would “pay a heavy price” for these rocket attacks Israel on Thursday asked 9,000 reserve soldiers to join forces on the Gaza border.

An Egyptian intelligence official said Israel has turned down its proposal for a one-year ceasefire, which Hamas accepted. Hadi Amr, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israel-Palestine Affairs, arrived in Israel on Friday as part of an effort to ease the conflict.

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