JD Vance Blasts Joe Biden’s Trade Policies, Praises Trump’s ‘America First’ Approach

JD Vance Criticises Joe Biden's Trade Deals and Highlights Donald Trump's Correct Predictions on American Jobs

JD Vance

Republican U.S. Senator JD Vance, who is campaigning to be Donald Trump’s running mate in the upcoming election, strongly criticised Joe Biden’s trade policy in a recent remark. Vance used his own experiences to illustrate the detrimental effects of these policies on American communities and jobs.

The NAFTA Deal

Vance recalled that Joe Biden had backed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) back when he was in the 4th grade. Vance claims that many well-paying positions were transferred to Mexico as a consequence of this agreement. Many small towns, like his in Ohio, felt the impact as local manufacturing jobs were lost.

China Trade Agreement

As Vance grew older, he saw Biden make another important policy choice. Biden backed a trade agreement with China when Vance was a sophomore in high school. According to Vance, this pact severely destroyed middle-class manufacturing jobs in the United States. The agreement hurt domestic companies by allowing low-cost Chinese items made with cheap labour from abroad to enter the American market.

The Iraq War

Vance also pointed to Biden’s support for the invasion of Iraq when he was a senior in high school. He criticized this decision, saying it sent American children to war, further burdening communities across the country.

JD Vance on Donald Trump

In contrast to Biden, Vance praised Donald Trump for his foresight on these issues. He stated that Trump, a real estate developer from New York City, had always advocated for policies that put America first. Vance credited Trump for recognizing the flaws in trade agreements and for his efforts to protect American jobs.

The Aftermath

Vance stressed how Biden’s ideas will affect society in the long run. He pointed out that these trade agreements brought cheap labour and goods from China into the United States, which in turn increased the flow of Chinese fentanyl, a lethal drug. According to Vance, Biden’s choices had negative long-term effects on American communities.

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