Kyriakos Mitsotakis becomes Greece PM for the second time, secures clear majority

Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Kyriakos Mitsotakis: CNN Digital reports that Kyriakos Mitsotakis has become the prime minister of Greece for the second time. His term will run for four years.

Mitsotakis’ New Democracy Party received 40% of the votes polled Sunday’s elections and won 158 seats. The Greek Parliament has 300 seats in all.

The main opposition party, Syriza got 17% of the votes,says CNN Digital. This was the second election held in a month.

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Mitsotakis won the May elections but called fresh elections in June for a clear majority.

“We have high targets that will transform Greece…Today we will celebrate our victory, tomorrow we will roll up our sleeves,”Mitsotakis was quoted by CNN. He also told his supporters, “ND is today the most powerful centre-right party in Europe.”

New Democracy won the elections because the electorate trusted its past governance record. Greece, like many other countries, battled the pandemic during 2020-2021, a high cost of living and Europe’s energy crisis due to the Ukraine conflict.

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Greece elections in May 2023

 Many parties lost seats in the June 2023 elections.

Syriza lost 23 seats while PASOK and the Communists lost 9 and 6 seats, respectively. Greek Solution lost 4 seats.

On the other hand, Niki, Spartans and Freedom Sailing gained between 8 to 12 seats in the June polls.

New political formation

One of the big stories in the June 2023 Greek polls was the emergence of Spartans, a new political party. It gained 4.7% votes, crossing the 3% threshold required to enter the Greek Parliament.

Spartans became stronger after receiving support from the leader of a banned far-right party, The Greeks. This leader, Kasidiaris, was also the spokesperson of another banned political outfit.

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