Netflix actor pens an emotional message after being shot by Israeli forces

Netflix star Maisa Abd Elhadi pens an emotional note on social media about participating in the “peaceful” protest and she alleged that she had not been shot by Israeli forces.

After the courts order, dozens of Palestinian famailies are facing eviction from their homes which resulted in escalating tensions in the city, leading to widespread protests.

Actor Elhadi also took part in the protest in Haifa where she was injured. A photo of her went viral where she was in the back of an ambulance.

In an Instagram post the actress stated that she had not been “shot” by Israeli Forces.

“On Sunday I took part in a peaceful protest in Haifa, we were chanting, singing, expressing our anger using our voices. I personally was chanting and filming the events taking place. A short while after the protest began, the soldiers began firing stun grenades and gas grenades and I realised that things are beginning to escalate,” she wrote.

She added: “I stood on the sidewalk, in a place that seemed safe, I was alone and my back was facing the soldiers filming the Palestinian flag over the Bahai Gardens – in short, I did not pose a threat to anyone. I began to march towards my car and I heard a very loud boom very close to me and I felt that my jeans got torn! That is the first thing I felt!”

“I tried to continue walking but I couldn’t, and I realized that the blood is spilling from my leg and that my skin is torn apart”.

“The police and the occupation forces do not hesitate to attack or kill any Palestinian regardless of whether he or she poses a threat or not. This is not the first time the police and the army assault in peaceful protests. I had no doubt that as a Palestinian I am constantly facing immediate threat but this time it became clear that we are at the warfront and the only thing that is separating us from death is luck,” she concluded.

She has also stated that she is recovering from the incident and felling much better.

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